Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Easy Card Using Stuff Found on My Desk

I'm not feeling well but I still felt like making a quick card for the Love to Craft Challenge Blog.  The great thing about the challenge on this blog is the challenge lasts for six weeks and you can submit any creative project you make.

Luckily I keep random items on my desktop. I did a quick search through my stuff and found some stuff I could use.

Watch the process video to see how it started one way but ended up another. I know it's simple, but simple is what I needed right now!

This butterfly has been on my desktop since March and I am happy to finally use it. You can tell I'm not feeling well since I put the adhesive on the front of the image. Eek!  I can't believe I did that!

But, it all worked out!  Be sure to link your project on the Love to Craft Challenge Blog!


  1. Happy New Year Dorlene! Sorry to hear you're under the weather - get well soon! I love this CAS card - butterflies are gorgeous, no matter how used :) Here's to a wonderful crafty 2025! Cheers xoxoxo

  2. Wonderful, love that butterfly, the embossing is very nice with it, and simple is beautiful. Look forward to creating with you teammate, have a great day! Happy New Year! Cheers, Leanne

  3. That's a beautiful butterfly Dorlene - and we've all been there with a crafty accident! Hope you're soon feeling better - great to still have you as a team-mate on LTC!

  4. Great CAS card Dorlene, love the beautiful butterfly and embossed background. Look forward to creating with you and best wishes for the New Year-hope you feel better soon.
    Carol x

  5. Your card is really effective and beautifully CAS.

    Hoping you're feeling better soon and thanks for a great project for Love to Craft.

    Helen x

  6. What a fabulous combination just to have on your desk - love that butterfly. Great to be with you on the LTC tream

  7. What a great CAS card Dorlene! I love that you made it from scraps on your desk! A super outcome. I hope you have a good week! :)


Thanks for visiting. I appreciate your comments. I love sharing my projects with you and hope to encourage you to create things on your own. Thanks again!