
Wednesday, November 8, 2023

From Hulk to She Hulk; Costume Change

My kiddos wanted their youngest daughter to be She Hulk for Halloween, but they couldn't find a costume for her. They purchased a cute baby Hulk onesie costume and asked if I could make changes to it.

Of course I can! Here's my cutie patootie granddaughter in the completed costume with the changes:

The onesie went from this:

To this with just some quick changes:

Check out the YouTube process video to see how it was done.

I know Halloween is over, but this can be done anytime of the year if you need changes to something you bought that isn't just quite right.

A quick explanation of why they wanted to dress her as She granddaughter is the sweetest and mild mannered baby except when she wants something RIGHT now. She tenses up, turns bright red and just wails. It's almost comical and definitely changes her from Jhene to She Hulk!

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