
Monday, October 14, 2019

BBTB Challenge; Pumpkins

Happy Monday! It's time for another challenge at Bitten By The Bug 2. Each challenge runs for two weeks and the current challenge is...pumpkin(s).

This is definitely not my idea, but I decided to make a personalized pumpkin. I used fonts that were in my system for the letters.

This is a foam pumpkin that I purchased from Michael's on clearance last year. They have these everywhere. I cut a hole out of the top to create a vase.

Since this pumpkin is only about 6-7 inches high, it was a great use of vinyl scraps. I used tan for the "D" and basic black for our last name.

I purchased the artificial flowers from the Dollar Tree and I had the scarecrow and leaves from my stash. This is why I save everything. I had floral foam from my stash as well & added a brick inside to hold the flower/leaves stems.

Another view:

With the grooves in the pumpkin, the vinyl was a little tough to adhere. For the "D", I went from left to right to adhere. Once I removed the transfer sheet, there were lots of wrinkles so I used my heat gun & blasted it a little. That helped A LOT! For the last name, I started in the center and used the hinge technique to burnish it towards each end.

I'm not going to lie, it was much harder than adhering to a smooth surface, but take your's totally doable.

(Here's another fun thing to do with pumpkins. I made these years ago and had lots of additional orders for them. The cuts are mostly from Mini Monsters.)

Your on over to the BBTB2 site and link your pumpkin project. Also take a peek at each DT project and visit their sites to leave a comment.


  1. What a beautiful decor piece! I can imagine how difficult it was to apply the vinyl. You did a great job. I love all the pretty flowers and leaves inside the pumpkin.

  2. love your initialed pumpkin, it looks even nicer with flowers in the top portion. I fell in love with these too, even have the pumpkin, but haven't made the initials/name yet.... so little time. Happy Halloween


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