
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

WOYWW #441

Happy WOYWW! Click on over to the Stamping Ground to read more about this weekly linkage and check out other desks from all over.

Here's my desk this morning:
I'm back to working on DS3's wedding album. I'm almost done! I can't wait to give it to them.

Have a great rest of the week!


  1. Looking forward to the finished album! So far it's beautiful! Thanks for the visit and have a great week!
    Carol N #23

  2. I am sure the finished album will be gorgeous (from what we've seen I know it is) and so appreciated, too. Helen #1

  3. Aww lovely photos and paper pattern beneath the pics. Excited to see the finished piece. Happy woyww
    Ellie #19

  4. I agree Helen! Im sure the finished album will be something they cherish in years to come! Thanks for stopping by my place Dorlene! Blessings to you! :)

  5. Hope we get to see the finished album, sure they will love it. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

  6. Oh well done Dorlene, it's a labour of love alright, I wish I could be there to see their faces when you give it to them! Love the photos that you're working with today, so much happy. What is the little blue case looking thing at the back under your notebook. And my word, your space is tidy!

    1. That's my daughter's side of the craft table. She uses that case for her embellishments. I'm really trying hard to "clean up" after my projects.

  7. What lovely photos - the background paper is gorgeous as well. A lovely idea for such treasured memories.
    Diana x #17

  8. I had to zoom into the photo to have a really good look! That background paper is fun, I really like it. The album is going to be wonderful, something to treasure!
    Hugs LLJ 15 xxx

  9. Hi Dorlene, I'm sure they'll appreciate all the love and care which has gone into it. Gorgeous album! Sarah #10

  10. Hi Dorlene. I'm really late this week getting around to everyone... Well done - the album will, I'm sure be a huge success.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  11. Go you! They'll love the album and the walk down the isle via your creative project. I have several albums I need to get done. Thanks for the visit this week. Creative Blessings! Kelly #29

  12. wow! Love that you've nearly finished the album - hope we get to see your son's reaction when you give it to them!
    Christine #33


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