
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

WOYWW #412

Hello Wednesday!

Here's a shot of my desk this morning.  I finished this layout last night and my mother's day card.  Those "polaroid" pieces on the left will be embellished for a swap I'm doing.  I cut them using my cricut.  The big bag of Starburst jelly beans were 70% off at my local Walgreens and they are yummy!  LOL

When organizing my craft room earlier this year, I found this 2 3/4" circle punch that I forgot about and have been using it a lot lately.  Isn't that funny?! 

Many people asked about the Rainbow Goldfish container on my desk a couple of weeks ago.  They are cheese flavored crackers in rainbow colors.  They all taste the same, just different colors.

Click over to Stamping-Ground to read all about the WOYWW challenge and "travel" around the world to visit other desks and work areas.  Enjoy and Happy Wednesday!


  1. Love your scrap page! Your desk is a tiny bit neater than mine. :) Have a great week! #35

  2. Starburst jelly beans??!! Why are these not for sale anywhere near me in the UK?? lol
    Lovely layout too :)

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday
    Bubbles #32

  3. Hi Dorlene, so much to see on your desk, looks full of creative goodness! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 XxX

  4. I couldn't snacks and sweeties on my craft desk - they just wouldn't last the day! I'm glad you're using that punch you found - isn't it funny how things can be out of sight and out of mind?!
    Hugs, LLJ 4 xx

  5. OMG! Aren't Starburst jellybeans the BEST!
    April #28

  6. Isn't that great rediscovering supplies. You didn't cut into polaroids did you? because there are harmful chemicals in them, thx for your visit, vicky

  7. Lovely creative desk! Looks like you have lots to keep you busy, and your sweet tooth satisfied! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #34

  8. Great layout and thanks for the goldfish explanation! BJ#23

  9. It's amazing how you sometimes need brain food when crafting. Thanks for explaining about the Goldfish. The only other reference I've ever come across was in the West Wing when CJ is given an actual goldfish by someone who didn't realise she liked the crackers! Sarah #14


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