
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Be Rich in Good Deeds

Normally my bible sits on my nightstand next to my bed but because I've been doing some Bible Art Journaling, it's been in the Command Center.

Needless to say, it's been awhile since I've read it.  So, the other night, I pushed aside my art supplies and placed my NIV Mother's Inspiration bible on it.  As always, I started my prayer before opening my bible.  This time, I didn't have a specific prayer so I was just talking to God about the day and other things going on in our household. 

Just a brief summary, my husband was aching and in so much pain from a tooth infection.  Now this is going to sound really bad, but I had one pain pill left over from my foot surgery that I've been hoarding saving for a rainy day.  I didn't want to give it to him.  Yeah, that bad...anyhow right before I went to the Command Center, I was washing dishes downstairs and as I was trying to convince myself that there was nothing wrong with what I was thinking, but soon realized that I was being selfish and borderline drug addicty (yeah, that's a word in my dictionary).  So I went upstairs and offered the medication to hubby.  He took it (and it did help).

So back to the conversation between me and God.  I didn't even mention this in my conversation with Him prior to opening my bible, but lo and behold, this is the verse that God gave me to read and reflect on:

Command them to do good; be rich in good deeds; be generous and willing to share.
1 Timothy 6:18

HOW AWESOME IS OUR GOD!  I laughed so loud and hard, I actually had a stomach cramp.  Don't ever let anyone tell you, you cannot have a personal relationship with God. 

I used watercolor pencils from CTMH to color in the image.  Instead of a wet paint brush, I used a baby wipe to spread the colors.  The stamp is from Rubber Paws.  I handwrote a portion of the verse and underlined it.  I used a black fine point BIC pen for the letters.

Note:  Hubby did have an infection; dentist prescribed some penicillin, pain pills and anti-inflammatories.  Oral surgeon extracted the tooth and all is well!

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